engaging sensory tray experiences for older adults
Combinations of curated materials provide infinite possibilities for creative expression.
Nicole Root, TRAY PLAY founder, facilitator, & educator
Hi! and thanks so much for visiting TRAY PLAY online.
I am so glad you are here!
Take some time to view the videos below to learn a little bit about the TRAY PLAY experience and then feel free to join us in the "Sensory Stimulation for Seniors" Facebook group for further sensory tray inspiration.
Interested in brainstorming ways to bring TRAY PLAY into your world? Schedule a free call with me and let's "cast a vision" together.
If you care for adults receiving long term care & are searching for activities that engage for extended periods of time, accommodate a wide variety of abilities and interests, stimulate the mind and the senses, are open-ended and hands-on, do not require a specific skill set or outcome or provide an outlet for creativity and connectedness... then you may really love the TRAY PLAY experience!
One can even create their own masterpiece inspired by the Great Master Artists!
Here are some examples of players' work inspired by Henri MatisseVincent van Gogh
Here are some examples of players' work inspired by Vincent van Gogh
And here are some more examples of players' work inspired by Henri Matisse
Want to discover the best way to get going with having some hands-on fun with those you care for?
Nicole is passionate about collecting and combining sensory-rich materials and offering them to older adults to connect with in a way that makes sense to them. She loves providing a creative outlet for one to self-express, regardless of cognitive or physical ability, and to connect with oneself, with others, and the world around them. Nicole has been facilitating TRAY PLAY sessions in a wide variety of settings in Charlottesville (VA) for 10+ years, and is now helping others bring similar sensory tray experiences to those they care for.
Connect with her (and others interested in sensory engagement for older adults) in the Sensory Stimulation for Seniors Facebook Group, on a call, or email nicole@trayplay.com with any questions you may have.